Almost all of our systems are fully automated to reduce wait times for setup. You can be up and running within minutes.
Network Uptime Guarantee
We are proud to bolster a 99.95% Uptime (4.5 total hours/year). As with everyone else things do happen. Outages, patches, system updates and server reboots all contribute to downtime during the year.
High Performance Servers
Aeiia runs as a private cloud cluster in a HA environment with blazing fast SSD Storage. Whatever you may be running in your account you can be sure it will run fast and you will not be competing for resouces.
No Long Term Commitments
All plans are month to month (cancel anytime) with the exception of yearly payments (which carry a discount) and are a year term.
We are the Data Center
Most hosts rent space within a datacenter. We own and run the whole datacenter. This insures that we have full control and security over every server.